Work Hard,Play Hard

I post about it from time to time on my facebook and twitter feeds, but for anyone who doesn't know I take photos in Carbon Nightclub on occasion. There's a few reasons why I love that job and they're probably not as obvious as you'd think. For one, the staff work their fucking asses off, and it's always preferential that I labour for people who lead by example. Carbon consistently put on a great show, solid daily drinks promotions, bar tab competitions and limo rides,a million ways of getting in for free or at a heavy discount, theme and charity nights and some of the most talented resident and special guest DJ's the city could pin to one location. Those guests include the likes of Dr.Lectroluv, Doorly, Shadow Child and Tom Staar, to name only a few prestigious DJ's that have all appeared in the last 2 months. The often overlooked fundraising and charity nights that are put on all over the city and are promoted and supported by the staff and management mean that this company plays a part in the community around it for many reasons and always finds a way to give something back.

For photographers, the technical merits of what I'm at here will never achieve or receive the kind of kudos that a "professional" photoshoot will harness and I don't expect them to, but it doesn't mean you have an excuse to take shit photos just because you didn't hand select and direct the session. The subjects here won't stand still, it's likely that the guys and gals have done their own hair and make-up(ah here lads, seriously?), everyone is self styled and a majority are drunk or getting there, but so am I. So trying to find a few gems in the mayhem is a bit of a game I chip away at during my shift. Anyway I have fun and interact with the crowd, many of which are friends by now. I have a few drinks, take a few photos and have a laugh, with a crew who work hard and party like complete lunatics.

Again, a massive thanks to Carbon for giving me a shot at this as often as they have. It's very much a learn as you go kind of job and I made many school-boy errors the first few times, but in time I got a wealth of experience I wouldn't get paid to learn anywhere else!


Viva La Carbon, ya beautiful bastards!